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Hemprich Family History

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Hemprich Data

Some of the Hemprichs born before 1900, managed to get recognized in their times and even today. In biographical collections, books and newspaper articels, you can find:


The Africa Explorer Wilhelm Friedrich Hemprich, who was born in 1796 in Glatz (Poland) and who studied medicine in Breslau and Berlin. During 1820-1825, he explored the animals and plants of Africa and died there in 1825 from a fever.


The Spa Docter Karl Friedrich Hemprich, who was born in 1798 in Glatz (Poland) and studied medicine in Breslau. He worked as a doctor in the spa of Bad Kudowa. He published several articles and books about the furriginous springs of Kudowa and died in 1844.



The School Teacher and Officer for Youth Welfare Karl Hemprich, born 1867 in Bennstedt (Germany), worked as a school teacher and in youth welfare. He published several pedagogic textbooks and - as “father Hemprich” - deserved well of youth welfare.



The Museum’s Director August Hemprich was born in 1870 in Doellingen (Germany) and lived and worked in Halberstadt. There, he founded the urban museum, did research in geology, and supported excavations.